Monday, December 14, 2009


Featured artist: Chuck Palahnuik
Featured novel: "Survivor"

I went into this thinking about the popular reality TV show "Survivor" (for obvious reasons), the novel is titled "Survivor", so I was not too thrilled to pick it up. However, as Chuck always does, he engaged me with a simple, easy to read introduction.
The story not only begins at the end, but the first page is actually numbered the last page and the chapter 1 is the last chapter you read. So if you're a slow reader you can say "I just started this morning and I'm already on page 200".
This particular Palahnuik is about the last remaining member of a religious Creedish cult. Like many of his books, the story jumps around and gives you all kinds of information and teasers at random moments that keep the pages turning. He (as the main character and narrator) criticizes the world as a shallow, materialistic place with a twisted society.

"Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? A big, scary unknown".

The way his does dialogue is so smooth, flows so naturally, like you're listening to a conversation.

"She's saying "what?"
Kill yourself.
She's saying "what?"
Try barbiturates and alcohol with your head inside a dry cleaning bag".

But where is it all going? Everyone of Chuck's stories don't really end with a resolution. They're just a form of entertainment. Read about some absurd character's crazy story for a few pages because in the end all you get is what you make of it. Is this Creedish character a survivor of the radical religious "death cult"? Or a survivor of the "real world", the "outside world"?
This winter I would strongly recommend curling up on your couch with this serious page turner that will have you looking for more Palnuik novels.

Feel free to post your feelings about this novel under comments.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Co-Laboratory

Through serious time, dedication, and a hefty amount of beer, wine and cigarettes, we have successfully set up our production studio/gallery.

Check out for all the cool videos of the progression.

Grand opening will be Friday, January 8, 2010!
Free food, free drinks and fun prices!